Every year I make new year resolutions which vary from definite 'to dos' to wishful thinking - this year they are not strict guidelines or targets, just general things to try and do or think about. I will make an action plan for work stuff and maybe a 'to do' list for life stuff but for now, this is it:
New Year Resolutions 2014
Don't worry unless it's actually a life / death scenario
Keep things in perspective - stand back
There doesn't have to be a solution for everything, you don't have to find it and you don't have to own it.
Look out for opportunities and go with them
Continue to have a backup plan
Be more organised - have a work plan
Busyness is not necessarily cool
Technology is cool - exciting and interesting
Network and build relationships where possible
Communicate with those who want to - don't worry about those who don't
Walk more
Read more
Sleep more
Take time to be at places
Continue to take a photo a day
Eat less unsuitable stuff
Continue to eat tea and cake when necessary
Plus the holstee manifesto